Sunday, June 10, 2012

Jaxon Birthday 2011 Age 9

I never got around to posting these either and even though he just had another birthday I still really liked these so figured I would post them anyway:)

Jaxon Age 9 2011


Cant believe I never posted these. This was a fun shoot. My parents wanted some pics done with their grandkids so we all piled in and headed into downtown Provo to find the perfect spot. I saw this building and loved it. It worked out perfectly!

October 2011


Alyssa on the water

This is my gorgeous niece Alyssa, I have wanted to do these photos for so long and no one would ever bring the dresses needed when we went on our yearly trip to Snowbird. This year I made sure she brought something and we not only did pictures of her but ones of my beautiful cousin Adriane. Her post will be a few after this one ;)

May 22, 2012
Snowbird pool