Sunday, September 9, 2012

Zander pander turned 11!

Wow can it be true? Zander is 11? This kid is so photogenic, he didn't care to have his pictures taken on this day but I was bound and determined that we were doing them:)

Janey is 8, when did that happen?

She's 8!! Can you believe it? I can't, I am not sure where the time went! These were the three pictures I liked the best, she wasn't too thrilled with having them taken that day but at least we got a couple I loved:)

Jaxi turned 10!

This was a quick shoot when he came along with my two youngest to have his pictures done as well. Unfortunately we only got a couple good ones because the poor kids allergies started to act up. Love this guy!

August 2012 The beautiful Skousen sisters!

The evening was beautiful and filled with amazing light. These two beauties are my amazing cousins. Thanks for an amazing photo shoot Adriane and Kelsey, love you guys!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Jaxon Birthday 2011 Age 9

I never got around to posting these either and even though he just had another birthday I still really liked these so figured I would post them anyway:)

Jaxon Age 9 2011


Cant believe I never posted these. This was a fun shoot. My parents wanted some pics done with their grandkids so we all piled in and headed into downtown Provo to find the perfect spot. I saw this building and loved it. It worked out perfectly!

October 2011


Alyssa on the water

This is my gorgeous niece Alyssa, I have wanted to do these photos for so long and no one would ever bring the dresses needed when we went on our yearly trip to Snowbird. This year I made sure she brought something and we not only did pictures of her but ones of my beautiful cousin Adriane. Her post will be a few after this one ;)

May 22, 2012
Snowbird pool

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Spring is upon us...I think

April 2012

Ah Spring how I love thee! The day started out beautiful and by the time we were through with this shoot it was raining cats and dogs:)
However I was happy with the images I got in the short amount of time we had and the complaining children that are never happy to be the subject of my visions!

I'm Back!!!

Wow I can't believe it has been  so long since I last updated this, life just gets busy. However as I embark on focusing more on my photography I thought now would be a good time to revisit this blog and try and keep it updated. Wish me luck!