Sunday, April 18, 2010

April 18, 2010
Finally a beautiful day to take pictures! These are Janey's Easter pics and she has been waiting for me to feel better and decent weather to go take them.
They turned out gorgeous! I absolutely love the first one with the shadows of flowers on her face.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

OH MY!!!

April 4, 2010
Alright well my gorgeous niece is growing up way too fast!!
We decided we wanted to do some fashion pics and they turned out awesome!
Here are some of my faves...

March 19, 2010
My best friend Becky came over for our first monthly get together, we decided we don't spend enough time with each other and our solution is to get together some way at least once a month.
This month she came over to get her beautiful baby Brooklyn's pictures taken, but of course we can't leave out adorable Adelyn who we hadn't planned on doing pictures of but she is just too cute to resist!